dbg on Golf
Bubba Watson’s real name is Gary. No kidding. Just heard it on 60 Minutes.
Tiger Woods is missing the Masters for the 2nd time in three years. He’s been out of competition for seven-plus months recovering from back surgery.
If you ever watch the Golf Channel, no doubt by now you’ve seen the infomercial for the xE1 Sand Wedge. It’s the one where former PGA Tour player Arron Oberholser (beware of an Aaron who spells his name with two R’s) touts the genius of the wedge for “practically eliminating” fat pitches or chips. Here it is: Says Oberholser, “The
Todd Sones: Don’t Be Conned By the xE1 Wedge Read More »
Three times each year for the past five years, Leisure World in Mesa has been gracious enough to allow Advanced Teaching classes at the Golf Academy to come out and offer instruction to its membership. It’s a great relationship – the members get free lessons, and students get an opportunity to teach over a period of three consecutive weeks. Leisure
Advanced Teaching Field Trip: Leisure World Read More »
In Sport Psychology with Dr. Teri Aguiar, we were discussing the 6th and final weapon we can use to improve our golf games: imagery, also known as visualization. Visualization is defined as creating or re-creating an experience in the mind, and there’s plenty of scientific research in the psych world that suggests visualization enhances athletes’ thoughts and emotions because
Visualize Like Jason Day Read More »