Two classes on the docket on Day 2 – Fundamentals of Business Management and History of Golf. When I saw Fundamentals of Business Management coming up, I thought I was in for a real snoozefest.

Boy was I wrong! Professor RJ Lancaster is hilarious! Dude was dropping jokes like they were going out of style. He also had a lot of really good business ideas and even suggested ways to increase golf course revenue. And this was just the first day of his class. Golf Academy of America students also have access to the National Golf Foundation web site, the country’s leader on the golf economy in the U.S.

Then it was on to History of Golf with PGA Instructor Gary Balliet. One of our assignments is to do a PowerPoint presentation on a golfer of our choice. I chose Sam Snead. I’m really looking forward to watching “The Greatest Game Ever Played,” the story of Francis Ouimet’s U.S. Open win as an amateur in 1913. The class textbook has a picture of Ben Hogan on the cover, so you know it’s gonna be good.

After that, I grabbed lunch in the student lounge and then headed out to Lone Tree Golf Club for my 2nd round of the week. I have to get at least five rounds under my belt before the end of the month to establish a current handicap. The best players get to play tournaments with other low handicaps and tend to finish their tournament rounds faster.