Since the first few days of the spring semester have been spent mostly out in the field (a.k.a the golf course), today marked the first official day of classroom work. In my opinion, the first day of any school year is always the worst because that’s the day when you get bombarded with syllabi from every instructor.

We showed up a little before 8:00a for Tim Wilkins’ Attitude & Motivation Assessment class in the Augusta room. Each classroom is named after a different famous golf course, which is cool. Tim goes by the nickname ‘X’ so as not to be confused with Campus Director Tim Eberlein. X is also the Academic Dean and seems like a real no nonsense guy. I think I’m really going to enjoy his class.
From there, it was on to Golf Fundamentals with Jay Friedman. Jay played briefly on the PGA Tour in the late 70s. I’ve seen him hit a few balls, and I think he really knows his stuff. I’ve already scheduled a club fitting with him for next week. We reviewed a few different learning skills and even got a handout on Ball Flight Laws & Principals. Did you know that there are nine different ball flights?

After grabbing a quick bite to eat in the Student Lounge and watching the Golf Channel, we headed over to Jill Grundy’s Microcomputer Applications class. Over the course of the next 15 weeks, we are going to be refining our proficiencies in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

That’s all for now. I have two more classes tomorrow: Fundamentals of Business Management and History of Golf. I tee it up at Lone Tree tomorrow afternoon – course review to follow.
I enjoyed reading some of your blog posts. Your comments on the orientation day blog made me laugh out loud! I am looking forward to reading more about your adventure. Thanks for the chronicle.