If You’re Healthy, You’re Wealthy

Dr. Mackner recently discovered that his cancer
Dr. Mackner recently discovered that his cancer had returned.

We got some sad news at the Golf Academy recently. Dr. Jordan Mackner, who’s in his first semester teaching Anatomy, Exercise, and Bio-mechanics at the GAA, will not be back for the last few weeks of the semester because he has cancer.

Dr. J was first diagnosed with cancer several months ago, and after undergoing a medical procedure, was told he was cancer free. Recently, it was discovered that his cancer had metastasized. Dr. J is already in his second week of chemotherapy treatments, and doctors are hopeful they’ve caught it early enough, but you just never know. It really makes you think.

If you ask me, it’s not fair. Dr. J is just 31 years old. He’s probably the healthiest guy ever to walk through the doors here at the Academy. I guess we’re all dealt a slightly different hand. We’re given a certain number of heartbeats. We just don’t know how many.

I’m convinced that there’s a reason why health and wealth are separated by just one letter in the English language. If you’re healthy, you are wealthy, but nothing in life is guaranteed. So if you have your health, be grateful.

Thanks to Dr. J, I’m making some very positive life changes. Because of his stretching and strengthening routines, I’m stronger and more flexible than I’ve been in years. I’m also exploring some significant nutritional changes: low carb, high protein, and high fat. Instead of cereal for breakfast, I’m eating scrambled eggs and an avocado. Instead of a sandwich or a bagel for lunch, I’m eating a kale salad and roasted chicken. I’m also looking at taking Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and a daily probiotic. These are things I wasn’t even thinking about a few months ago, but because of Dr. J, I am now! I also like to think I’ve made a new friend.

We’re hoping Dr. J makes a speedy recovery so he can come back and teach at the Golf Academy if that’s what he wants to do. We learned a lot because Dr. J really knows his stuff, and he’s passionate about it. That kind of enthusiasm is infectious. I’ll bet you that’s exactly how he attacks his cancer.

1 thought on “If You’re Healthy, You’re Wealthy”

  1. Well said, Dan. But the bottom line is exercise and diet do not guarantee a longer life. They just allow you to live the life you have to its fullest potential.

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