Television news moves pretty fast. I would know! For almost ten years, I was a sportscaster and then a morning news anchor in Lake Charles, Louisiana and then Greenville, South Carolina.
So when KGUN 9 News, Tucson’s local ABC affiliate called La Paloma wanting to do a story about our GolfBoards, we couldn’t say no. This time of year, many golf courses in Southern Arizona are still Cart Path Only because of the ryegrass overseed, but GolfBoards are one of the few things you can actually take out on the course. They’re lighter, and so they do a lot less damage to the turf than regular golf carts. Plus, they’re also a heck of a lot of fun!
Reporter Kevin Boughton and photojournalist John Parra couldn’t have been more gracious, and the whole thing was professionally shot in less than half an hour. I have to say, being back in front of the camera felt like riding a bike. It felt like I had never left.
Here’s the story that aired on Monday’s six o’clock news. To book your next GolfBoard tee time, contact the La Paloma Country Club Golf Shop at 520.299.1500, Option 2. They’re available year-round: