100-Shot Challenge

One of the things that attracted me to RGX (Revolutionizing Golf Instruction) was the idea that a coach guarantees results for his players. It never felt right for me to take another person’s money knowing that I might not see them again for six months if ever. How do I know they’re getting better? How do I know they’re practicing the right things the right ways?

I have often joked, “When have you ever heard a golf professional guarantee anything?” You’ll hear a trunk slamming and tires screeching out of the parking lot before you’ll ever hear a golf professional guarantee anything, much less a result. But in my opinion, the true measure of a coach is not how long you’ve been doing it but how much your players have improved. So how do you measure that? You take RGX’s 100-Shot Challenge.

The Challenge is this: how many players does it take you as a coach to shave 100-strokes off your players’ scores? For me, it took eight players to cut exactly 103 shots. Above is the video proof. Now that’s success you can measure!

1 thought on “100-Shot Challenge”

  1. One of my players, Fred Pease, just sent me the following text, and I thought I would post it on his behalf:

    “I saw your dbg post. Very good! The 100-Shot Challenge works well for high Handicappers, but your Coaching Program also works well for people like me. 

    My latest rounds (39 for 9 holes, 81 for 18) have me trending towards a single-digit Handicap (I’m a 12.6 now, down from a 15). 

    I had several takeaways from your Program: 1) when I tee off, I focus on making a par. However, when I hit a poor shot, I focus on making a Check. That gets me past being upset about the last shot and leads to better scoring, 2) incorporating putting with loft and chipping with a hybrid works well for me, and 3) my card shows me the specific areas on which to focus my practice following a round (mostly lag putting and 50-100 yard wedges).”


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